Monday, January 28, 2013

Exercises New and Great

Well we're waiting for another load of the soft fluffy white stuff to precipitate here in New England. It's cold enough without the snow for most, being from Maine I could give a rat's behind, I'll deal with it either way. Today I wanted to show you a video of an exercise I like to incorporate to my client's workouts and give some of you a new challenge or a way to change up your routine.

Off-Set Reverse Lunge (What doe this mean?)

Break it down, off-set means you are holding weight on just one side and using the leg opposite the arm (or hand) you have the weight in. Reverse lunge, simply step back into lunge instead of forward into a lunge.


Keeping your chest tall, core tight, step back with the foot opposite side of the weight. Don't over step your lunge, but you also probably shouldn't have your knee end up next to your ankle either. Your knee should probably be in the are of 90 degrees and just 2 inches or so off the floor. Don't smash your knee off the floor, but hit your depth to get the full benefit of the exercise.

Why I Like it

I like this variation of the lunge for many reasons, lunges in general are a great way to train the major muscle groups of the leg, glutes, ham and quads. First off I like weighted reverse lunges because it's easier on the knees, being someone that got diagnosed with arthritis in their knees at 19 (I'm not kidding either) I like to try to help my knees, and others, when possible. Forward lunges put pressure on the knee anteriorly from having to decelerate, the only case that is useful in my opinion is athletes, most of which my clients are not.

The off-set part I like because it requires core strength. I'd rather use something that is aimed towards anti-rotation and anti-flexion for core exercises. I'm not a juge fan or sit-ups and crunches, no I don't think unloaded spinal flexion every once in awhile will kill someone, just erring on the safe side, because until I really get to know a clients capabilities I'd rather avoid injury at all costs.

Give this a whirl and let me know if you need any help.

Additional Note: Check out my new YouTube channel here, you might see some familiar faces.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Exercising in Cold Weather

3 of the top stories in the last few days have been the continued coverage of the Manti Te'o "Catfish" hoax, Lance confessing and crying on Oprah and the absolute organ donor freezing temperatures that are hitting the Midwest and Northeast. Thank god for thick ski jackets and those silly warm fuzzy hats gram buys you every Christmas huh kids? Hopefully I'm not the one breaking all those things to you, if I am, please locate your clothes and shoes, pull the shades back and have a step outside into the world.

Many of the clients here have been coming in with the complaint of the single digit temps. This shouldn't really be a surprise to those from the northeast, if it is well welcome to New England folks. Hell Orono use to be so cold we had to stop in other buildings to warm up on the way to class. I'm not kidding, many times I made sure I had an extra 10-15 minutes to stop on the way to class in the morning...or I drove because I didn't feel like doing such foolishness.

To my point, exercising in the cold can cause problems, most of the soft tissue variety, pulls, tweaks and ohshitwhatwasthats. Yes you can even experience problems inside because trust me when it's this cold, unless you are cranking the heat to the point where you can walk around naked and still sweat, you will still get chilly now and again. Today I've decided to share a few helpful hints to keep you together when training in these Arctic like temps.

-Warm Up (No Seriously Do It): Ok so I know there are definitely a high number of you that barely take the time to warm up, IF you take the time to do so. Even those that know you should warm up before all lifts, skip some of the things that suck most, or don't do all the reps. Temps like this are cause to make sure you finish your warm up and if you still don't feel warm, add a little to it. Whether it's doing another set or reps or just simply some of those silly calisthenics like jumping jacks, as foolish as they are, be sure the body is warm and the blood is flowing at it's best.

-Layer Up: Sorry boys but these are probably not the optimal days to be tearing off the shirt and showing everyone how trim you are (or not so much) and ladies as much as the guys do enjoy the view with the little outfits you wear, same applies to you. The days it's not so toasty are the days to come in wearing an old sweatshirt and workout pants, bring them with you at the very least. The time between sets can be bad news if you don't take the precautions to keep warm. Hammerheads that wear the knee sleeves got it right here, cold joints are not so happy joints, keep yourself warm throughout your workout. A winter hat inside might look a little foolish but it's a good idea nonetheless, ok horse beaten.

-Extra Warm Up Sets: Not going to get into the whole how many sets before working sets and yada so forth. It's been said better than I can say it at this time so I'll let those that can say it do so. This tip also kind of goes with the first one but it's worth mentioning in it's own breath. Before you get into the working sets, especially if you are doing sets of 90% of your max or more, aka lifting heavy shit, then take the time to do your warm up sets and maybe do an extra one. With the warm up weight light enough it will not kill you I promise, take the time for your own sake.

-Get indoors: Seriously if you are one of those crazies I saw running this morning when it was a whopping tre (3) outside then you might need to be committed. For those that are the runners outside take it inside if you have a gym membership, yes I hate the damn treadmill too but you'll be fine for a day or two, especially if you recently joined the ranks of the runners in the north from a much warmer climate, your blood is probably not that thick yet. Those of you that MUST run, cut it down today, today is probably not your best day to be going for that 20+ mile run. Also the 2nd tip applies to you 10 fold, layer up and be warm rather than freeze, pants and legging are a damn good idea today.

That's all I got for today folks, go out there, stay warm, and get the hell after it!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Squats Baby

Happy Monday everyone! What's happy about it? Probably not much for this one because Monday after moving day sucks big cojones, but hey I'm moved in now with a new compadre. I'm now an 8 min T ride to work as opposed to a 30 min drive, that's convenience right there. Pretty much got a little training in with lifting 200 pound boxes and all sorts of odd objects my body simply just wasn't use to picking up.

To today's main course, talking about some squats baby. Below we have a few different grips for the front squat. As you read through about them I will talk about which ones I like and what I like or don't like them and at the same time everyone can be jealous of my great workout faces. Hey at least I don't look like this guy.

First thing is about squats in general, learn to LOVE them. Squats work, among other things, your legs which have a tendency to have more muscle. Also this is especially for all you ladies, they work the booty too, so if you want a booty, get some squats into your workouts. I like both of the 2 more popular variations of squats, front and back, today we'll just focus on the front style. I'm not really going to get into how deep to go or how many failing squats I see on a regular basis because that will pretty much just turn into a book. I can save that for publishing and making me oodles of money...I can dream at least.

Pretty much any version of the front squat is going to promote leg strength, more in the quads than hamstrings, but those will still get their work in too don't you worry. They also will make you engage your core because that is the main thing that is going to keep you upright and not going kerplunk-fail. The most basic of these being the Goblet squat right into the full Clean-racked technique will get your core engaged. These techniques can be used for most quad dominant exercises as well, again another story for another time.

Start with the bad first, well at the very least not the best. I have pictured the cross armed technique for the front squat. "Put the hooks in" then resting the arms on the shoulders and triceps. This is probably the easiest of the techniques to start with using a bar, or at least what many people start with, I'll even admit I've used with with clients from time to time, trying to get around that as much as possible, I'm simply not a huge fan of it. It let's you perform a front squat but does not do as much for you as the other 2 will. It does force you to stay tall because otherwise you will be holding the bar with your elbows, and unless you are going for Zercher squats you probably don't want that. Moral of this little blurb is if you can manage one of the other techniques, which most should be able to, then go with that.

This one here is one I would use to help with those that have poor shoulder and wrist mobility. I will avoid using straps in my own training like the black plague, but it happens now and again. This gets those that are in Tinman mobility barrel use to the idea of trying to get their hands under the bar as much as possible, I use to be in that barrel, it's not the end of the world. Obviously they can't if they are resorting to using the straps. The idea is to try to work the hands as close to the bar on the straps as possible, I've obviously exaggerated the idea here, I've yet to come across anyone that needs to have their hands this far out on the straps, but the idea is there, that being to promote mobility in the wrist and shoulders.

This is the ideal technique for a front squat, it forces you to keep your chest up and not end up facing the ground and helps with mobility. The reason for this is 2 fold, 1 this will eventually turn into the racked position at the end of a clean (you should end up doing a front squat with a clean), 2 is if you can't get at least 2 fingers under that bar, you probably need all the mobility work you can get. As I mentioned I use to have some pretty piss-poor mobility so this frequented my training programs. Even if you can just get one finger each on under the bar and keep your elbows high, work with that at a lighter weight.

Hope this helped someone out there, and it's a good day for all. Thanks to THUD my photographer for working with me on the fly. Those in the north stay warm and everbody go out and get after it!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Like Napoleon Divide and Conquer

Ok odd title and I'm sure some of you had your mind go right into the gutter, if not well welcome to the gutter where my brain spends plenty of time. My mind actually goes to one of the funnier movies I saw when I was a kid, one of Jim Carrey's first before he started to kind of suck, as well as Cameron Diaz's first feature, yeah I'd still do it. OK back on track here, what we are dividing is the weight bearing load between split squats. More specifically which leg to start with.

I'm going to start tinkering with this idea a bit. I'm sure there is some research out there on this (yet to find it) on whether there are more gains in one rep back squat when using the split squat as the main lift and whether or not using the non-dominant leg make a significant difference. Did you follow all that? Basically in normal people terms does starting out with your weak side pay-off more than starting with the stronger side. I know this is so riveting most of you can barely contain yourself. It's been something I've had on my brain and I figure I should stop slacking and start get this ball to start collecting some snow.

That's all I got today, have a good one and get after it today!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Being A Pro Means Setting An Example

Happy Friday everyone, sorry for another absence from posting, fair warning my language went a little PG-13 on this one. I think the excitement from the NHL lockout finally being OVER has got me a bit distracted. I'm ready for the puck to drop on this season like you wouldn't believe. I've heard at least 2 or 3 people say that they are boycotting this season because it took so long, which is odd considering that they are also some of the same people that said, let's just get a deal done so we can play hockey, so I call BULLSHIT on you ladies and gents.

While we are on the subject of pro sports, I think it has to be said that some of our professional athletes kind of suck at setting a good example. This lockout being a good example, although the owners and players are both at fault here, and another glaring one is the NFL. Don't get me wrong I love hockey and football, played them both when I was younger, but pro football players have done a pretty poor job on setting an example on how to play the game to me. They do it at the cost of their own health, see the man below, the late a great Junior Seau, who was found to have a brain disease caused from one too many brain injuries. The players today are killing the game for the younger kids by showing you can use your head as a weapon, see this article here. Yes it is a risk you take, but there is a line I believe, and it has to be firmly drawn so we can stop kids from hurting themselves.

Everyone can calm themselves a bit now I'm off my soap box. This all ties to the fitness field as well. A fitness professional should be able to drink the same Kool Aid they are making, otherwise they are kidding themselves. Remember when you were a kid and you didn't like foods but never tried them, then when you were older and had the balls to actually try it and were like oh this is good? Now think how do you know the exercises work what you're targeting or if the technique is the correct technique unless you've actually done it? Sure you can read it from a book or article, but you don't actually know an exercise until you've performed it. Usually when I see a new exercise I take 5 minutes and give it a whirl in our training room here before I decide who it's right for and where I can use it.

Second part of the drinking of earlier mentioned Kool Aid, if you have a client that's looking to clean up their diet to assist with their training, why on earth are they going to listen to your advice, whether it's the best advice in the world or not, if you look like the largest bag pipe playing Scot ever? I know it's impossible to make a diet super squeakey clean and maintain your sanity for a super extended period of time so there will be days and meals you're not so well behaved, but have some self control and set a good example for your clients. I am not innocent when it comes to getting on the see-food diet every once in awhile, but I certainly don't get to the point where I'm chunk-a-saurus rex.

End of the day; eat decent, train your ass off, lift heavy shit and set an example for those that you influence, you may effect more people than you think. Feel free to message me directly or leave a comment. Have a good Friday everyone and get after it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

Welcome to the unlucky 13 all. Hope everyone out there had a safe New Year's Eve and enjoyed their time. Keep an eye out here for some more goodies for the new year. I'm looking forward to helping everyone I can and to get my teeth into some more fun learning experiences. Quick word for those out there, if you made a resolution to lose weight, make sure it's concrete, attainable and don't quit before the month of February comes, matter of fact keep after it and don't quit at all. Pain is nothing and your health is everything. Good luck in the New Year everyone, if you haven't started yet, go out and get after it. The picture is a nice message from a team I follow over the pond in England. Enjoy all!